Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Web 2.0 and Podcasting where is this heading?

Web 2.0 is defined by Tim O'Reilley during his web 2.0 conference as the trend in web design and development. It is perceived as the second generation of web-based communities and hosted services (social net work site such as wikis, blogs, and youtube) which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration, and sharing between users. The web 2.0 era began surfacing as a form of personal expression and media, but it is slowly developed into a mainstream tool that is able to cater to the needs of university professors and project management for many professions to replace convensional communication methods.

Podcasting is a collection of digital media files distributed and stream online through Internet such as youtube. Sooner or later it should be able to be used for online conference or lecture where the students and professionals can also greatly benefit for not being physically present. This method will also greatly benefit people who are disabled and have problem with mobility.

The future of both applications are endless. Just imagine, a world where you're suspended in the space of your own imagination. Everything you ever wanted, the things you wanted to see are customised and catered to your desires. Given the right technology that can enhance the realism of virtual experience (such as the cave automatic environment system), it is very possible that the next level of web 2.0 and podcasting can very well submerge it's user into a virtual life as a virtual avatar (virtual self). Why stop at simple 2 dimensional broadcast when all of this can be enhanced towards a full fledged virtual reality experience.

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